Trinity Family Dental Clinic in Whitby Ontario | Family and Emergency Dentist


Trinity Family Dental: Emergency Dentist Whitby

We are big believers in preventative care, and our goal is to help you maintain your healthy teeth and gums for life through proactive check-ups and ongoing dental hygiene. As much as we encourage forward thinking, being available when you need us is a big part of the Trinity Family Dental commitment. Accidents happen, and part of our service is to support your dental health in emergency situations. Emergencies are seen the same day, whenever possible. If you or your child has a dental emergency, whether it's a knocked-out tooth or sudden onset pain, or an unusual situation that has you concerned, please contact us immediately at 905-579-5551.

We provide the best full service dental care for the family - adults and children alike - with a focus on preventative measures that ensure healthy smiles for life. We take pride in our excellent chair-side manner, and always strive to give our patients the opportunity to understand their treatment plans and participate fully in the choices we make together.

Our professional dental team is always happy to assist you with any questions or concerns. Our aim is to help you have the smile you want, and the excellent oral health you need.

We don't acquire customers - we build lasting relationships with patients. If you are looking for a dentist in Whitby, call 905-579-5551.

Professional Affiliations and Recognitions

<% 'ClientID, PageID and CompanyName are now set in the CONNECT.ASP file (WBL Aug 29, 2004) function GetRandNum() upperlimit = 3000.0 lowerlimit = 1000.0 Randomize DisplayNum=Int((upperlimit - lowerlimit + 1)*(Rnd() + lowerlimit)) 'response.write DisplayNum & "
" remainder = DisplayNum mod 3 if remainder = 0 then DisplayNum = 3 else remainder = DisplayNum mod 2 if remainder = 0 then DisplayNum = 2 else DisplayNum = 1 end if end if GetRandNum = DisplayNum end function servername = Request.QueryString("remoteserver") if servername = "" or isnull(servername) then servername = Request.ServerVariables("server_name") end if Path = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") Path=left(Path, instrrev(Path, "/")) Path = "/whitbydentist/" alternatedomain=request("alternatedomain") if alternatedomain="" or isnull(alternatedomain) then alternatedomain=false end if deptid = request("deptid") kw = request("kw") if instr(ucase(kw), "UPDATE") >0 or instr(ucase(kw), "INSERT") >0 then response.write("Hack Attempt
") kw = "" end if company = request("company") kwdescription = request("kwdescription") set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") 'Added line below August 28, 2004 - WBL set rs3 = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") set rs4 = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") select case ucase(servername) CASE "WWW.AVALANCHESEARCH.NET" sql = "select as1.clientID, as1.pageid, as1.metadescription, as1.metakeywords, as1.footerH5, as1.alt1, " sql = sql & "as1.alt2, as1.alt3, as1.alt4, as1.alt5, as1.searchdirectory, as1.alt_url, as1.default_page, as1.directory_page, " sql = sql & "as1.otherpage, as1.otherpage_title, as1.prodserv, as1.commcat, as2.pagetitle, as2.headingH1, as2.paragraph1, as2.paragraph2, as2.paragraph3, as2.pactive " sql = sql & "from avalanchesearch_searchpages as1 inner join avalanchesearch_searchpages2 as2 on as1.pageid=as2.pageid where as1.pageid='" & pageid & "' and as2.pactive=1" rs.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic CASE "WWW.KANNUX.COM" sql = "select as1.clientID, as1.pageid, as1.metadescription, as1.metakeywords, as1.footerH5, as1.alt1, " sql = sql & "as1.alt2, as1.alt3, as1.alt4, as1.alt5, as1.searchdirectory, as1.alt_url, as1.default_page, as1.directory_page, " sql = sql & "as1.otherpage, as1.otherpage_title, as1.prodserv, as1.commcat, as2.pagetitle, as1.headingH1, as1.paragraph1, as1.paragraph2, as1.paragraph3, as2.pactive " sql = sql & "from avalanchesearch_searchpages as1 inner join avalanchesearch_searchpages2 as2 on as1.pageid=as2.pageid where as1.pageid='" & pageid & "' and as2.pactive=1" rs.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic CASE "WWW.KANNUX.NET" sql = "select as1.clientID, as1.pageid, as1.metadescription, as1.metakeywords, as1.footerH5, as1.alt1, " sql = sql & "as1.alt2, as1.alt3, as1.alt4, as1.alt5, as1.searchdirectory, as1.alt_url, as1.default_page, as1.directory_page, " sql = sql & "as1.otherpage, as1.otherpage_title, as1.prodserv, as1.commcat, as1.pagetitle, as1.headingH1, as2.paragraph1, as1.paragraph2, as1.paragraph3, as2.pactive " sql = sql & "from avalanchesearch_searchpages as1 inner join avalanchesearch_searchpages2 as2 on as1.pageid=as2.pageid where as1.pageid='" & pageid & "' and as2.pactive=1" rs.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic CASE "WWW.AVALANCHENETWORKS.COM" sql = "select as1.clientID, as1.pageid, as1.metadescription, as1.metakeywords, as1.footerH5, as1.alt1, " sql = sql & "as1.alt2, as1.alt3, as1.alt4, as1.alt5, as1.searchdirectory, as1.alt_url, as1.default_page, as1.directory_page, " sql = sql & "as1.otherpage, as1.otherpage_title, as1.prodserv, as1.commcat, as1.pagetitle, as2.headingH1, as1.paragraph1, as1.paragraph2, as1.paragraph3, as2.pactive " sql = sql & "from avalanchesearch_searchpages as1 inner join avalanchesearch_searchpages2 as2 on as1.pageid=as2.pageid where as1.pageid='" & pageid & "' and as2.pactive=1" rs.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic CASE "WWW.SHOPDOME.COM" sql = "select as1.clientID, as1.pageid, as1.metadescription, as1.metakeywords, as1.footerH5, as1.alt1, " sql = sql & "as1.alt2, as1.alt3, as1.alt4, as1.alt5, as1.searchdirectory, as1.alt_url, as1.default_page, as1.directory_page, " sql = sql & "as1.otherpage, as1.otherpage_title, as1.prodserv, as1.commcat, as1.pagetitle, as1.headingH1, as2.paragraph1, as1.paragraph2, as1.paragraph3, as2.pactive " sql = sql & "from avalanchesearch_searchpages as1 inner join avalanchesearch_searchpages2 as2 on as1.pageid=as2.pageid where as1.pageid='" & pageid & "' and as2.pactive=1" rs.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic CASE "WWW.AVALANCHEREALESTATE.COM" sql = "select * from avalanchesearch_searchpages where pageid='" & pageid & "'" rs.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic CASE ELSE 'AVALANCHESEARCH.COM OR CLIENT DOMAIN sql = "select * from avalanchesearch_searchpages where pageid='" & pageid & "'" rs.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic if (strcomp(ucase(servername), ucase(rs("alt_url")))=0) or alternatedomain then servername=rs("alt_url") end if END SELECT if rs.recordcount=0 then recordsexist=false else recordsexist=true end if if not recordsexist then rs.close sql = "select * from avalanchesearch_searchpages where pageid='" & pageid & "'" rs.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic end if if instr(1, servername, "http",1)=0 then servername="http://" & servername end if if not rs.EOF then if not alternatedomain then filename="default.asp" Link=servername if not instr(1, servername, "kannux",1)>0 and not instr(1, servername,"avalanche",1)>0 and servername <>"" then Link = Default_Server if rs("default_page")<>"" and not isnull(rs("default_page")) then filename=rs("default_page") else filename="default.asp" end if else filename="default.asp" end if else Link=rs("alt_url") if not isnull(rs("default_page")) and rs("default_page")<>"" then filename=rs("default_page") else filename="default.asp" end if end if if instr(1, ucase(link), "HTTP")=0 then Link="http://" & link end if paragraph1=rs("paragraph1") paragraph2=rs("paragraph2") paragraph3=rs("paragraph3") headingH1 = rs("headingH1") pagetitle = rs("pagetitle") otherpage=rs("otherpage") otherpage_title=rs("otherpage_title") pagetitle = rs("pagetitle") metadescription = left(rs("metadescription"), 1024) metakeywords = left(rs("metakeywords"), 2048) alt1=rs("alt1") alt2=rs("alt2") alt3=rs("alt3") alt4=rs("alt4") alt5=rs("alt5") prodserv=rs("prodserv") commcat=rs("commcat") footerH5 = rs("footerH5") ' headingH1 = "" & headingH1 & "" output = "

" & headingH1 & "

" & metadescription & "

Select from one of the links below for more detailed information:

" & output 'starts here if kw <> "" then metadescription = metadescription & ", " & kw metakeywords = kw headingh1= companyname & ": " & kw oldparagraph1 = paragraph1 paragraph1 = "About " & kw & ": " & paragraph1 paragraph2 = oldparagraph1 alt1= kw pagetitle= companyname & ": " & kw ' headingH1 = "" & headingH1 & "" metakeywords = titlecase("metakeywords") end if rs.Close sql = "select searchterm_description from avalanchesearch_searchterms where clientid='" & clientid & "' and searchterm ='" & kw & "'" rs3.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic if not rs3.EOF then searchterm_description=rs3("searchterm_description") if searchterm_description <> "" then 'Meta change metadescription = searchterm_description metadescription = metadescription & " " & serchterm_description if instr(metadescription, "<") then metadescription = left(metadescription, instr(metadescription, "<")-1) end if paragraph1 = searchterm_description end if end if if kywd <> "" then pagetitle= kywd '& " (416) 365-3151 Adler Bytensky Prutschi Shikhman Criminal Lawyers" headingh1= kywd paragraph1 = "" paragraph2 = "" paragraph3 = "" sql = "select searchterm_description from avalanchesearch_searchterms where clientid='" & clientid & "' and searchterm ='" & kywd & "'" rs4.Open sql, objconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic if not rs4.EOF then searchterm_description=rs4("searchterm_description") if searchterm_description <> "" then 'Meta Change metadescription = companyname & ": " & searchterm_description metadescription = metadescription & " " & companyname & ": " & searchterm_description if instr(metadescription, "<") then metadescription = left(metadescription, instr(metadescription, "<")-1) end if paragraph1 = searchterm_description end if end if end if else Response.Write "WHOOOPS - No page found for that ID" end if'ends here '***************************************************************** Function CleanStr(str) do while instr(1, str, ">",1)>0 and instr(1,str, "<",1)>0 starttag=instr(1, str,"<",1)-1 endtag=instr(starttag+1, str, ">",1)+1 str=left(str, starttag) & " " & mid(str, endtag) loop CleanStr=str end function '**************************************************************** Function TitleCase(str) on error resume next splitStr = Split(str," ") For I = 0 To Ubound(splitStr) tmpStr = trim(splitStr(I)) if len(tmpStr) > 0 then tmpStr = Ucase(Left(tmpStr,1)) & LCase(Right(tmpStr,Len(tmpStr)-1)) splitStr(I) = tmpStr Next TitleCase = Join(splitStr," ") End Function '*************************************************************** %>

<% = headingH1 %>

<% = Paragraph1 %>

<% = Paragraph2 %>
